Before you start school at UVU, you should take a campus tour. This is the best way for you to get acquainted with each building (and the best way to not get lost on your first day). On the tour, you will get a more in depth version of what I am about to tell you.
As I go through each building, I will tell you the name of the building and the acronym that it is known by:
Let's start with the Library (LI). It's, well, a library. It has computer labs, books, movies, CDs, textbooks, magazines...the works. On the main level, there is even a Starbucks (Oh. Yes.) as well as many computers that you can do homework on. Every student starts off with a print credit of $10.00 and you can print things (as well as in any other campus computer lab) for $0.05 a page. You can check out books (like any library). Many teachers will put their textbooks on hold in the library and you can check them out for 3 hours at a time (saves on buying the textbook!) Media has a 3 day check out-and it is not just school related material! I have checked out many popular titles-including Shakespeare In Love and many Disney titles...
Connecting to the library is the Liberal Arts Building (LA). Probably every student will have a class in this building as most English, math, and history classes are here. And if you are an English major, know that part of your English fees pays for use of LA027---which means you don't have to use your print credit when printing off dozens of pages! Just make sure that you go there when there is not a class in session.
In between the LA building and the PE building is the LA Cafe & Jamba Juice...I will talk about these more in a later post.
Connected to LA is the Physical Education (PE) building. And yes, this is where you have PE. There are many dance rooms and work out rooms, as well as athletic courts and a few classrooms. A connection hall leads to the UCCU Events Center.
Connected to the PE building is the Science Building (SB). This building is currently under construction so the walkway is blocked off. Which means you walk outside into the Student Center. So wear a coat in the winter...
When the SB is finished, it will connect to the Pope Science (PS) building. Name says it all---the science classrooms are here. It is also the home of our astronomy room...complete with movie theater chairs and a dome ceiling that has a projection of the night sky.
Pope Science branches into both the Environmental Technology (EN) building and the Student Center (SC). To be honest, I have no idea what the EN building is. All I know is that it branches off the Hall of Flags (Which is a really long hallway with flags of all the countries in the world...and there are a lot of chairs where people stare awkwardly at you as you walk by). So I'll head in the direction of SC...
The Student Center (SC) houses the bookstore, campus connection, UCCU, food court, cafeteria, Grand Ballroom, Center Stage, Regan Theater, and many conference rooms.
**Note: PS, SC, WB, BA, and EN all wrap in a circle around a large grass quad with a waterfall**
The SC hallway leads down to the Woodbury Business (WB) building. It's home to the business majors. But I have had English classes in there as well.
After WB is the Browning Administration (BA) building. This is where One Stop, Financial Aid, Scholarship Office, Human Resources, and the Presidential offices are. Important stuff. Check it out.
BA wraps into the Hall of Flags, which takes you past EN and to PS...see? A circle?
So if you head back over to SC, there is a path that leads you to the Losee Center (LC). I actually don't know much about used to be the library...and I know that people study there. Sorry, yeah, that isn't really helpful.
Connected to LC is the Computer Science (CS) building. Wow, these names are much more descriptive than I have ever realized. This is where the computer science majors are. I had a giant Biology lecture class in there...and it has really awesome elevators.
There is a long walkway on the 6th floor of CS that connects to the Gunther Trades (GT) building. GT has all of the, music, art, photography (which comes under art...nevermind), and has English classes. Basically, GT is the furthest building away from the Library.
Connected to GT with 3 giant flights of stairs (which actually go down from GT) is the Sparks Automotive (SA) building. Can you guess what is here? If you said English classes...well, you'd be right. Classrooms here are used as a sort of overflow when there aren't any classrooms available in the actual buildings they are supposed to be in. But really, this building is where the auto rooms are.
SA feeds down into WB (with another 3 flights of stairs). So basically, our campus is one big connection of buildings. When they finish the Science Building, there will really be no reason to go outside except to go to your car...or to try and avoid the traffic of people in between classes.
There are a few other buildings separated from the main building concourse---Parking Services and ROTC are to the East, the Faculty Annex is right by the GT building, and the poor Education Building is to the North---quite a trek for those poor education majors (I took the education pre-requisites so I know what it is like---someone actually suggested that UVU builds a giant moving walkway from the main building to the Education Building; I thought that was perfectly logical)!
One other thing you should know is that each classroom has the building acronym followed by a 3-digit number. Earlier, I mentioned LA027--this means the classroom is in the Liberal Arts building. The zero represents the floor that you are on- in this case, the basement. The 27 is the room number. So if you have GT511, you are in Gunther Trades, 5th floor, room 511. CS410- Computer Science, 4th floor, room 410.
Sometimes there will be a letter after all of that...GT511h...which just means that there are eight different rooms that are GT511...just find the one with the h and you are good!
It's pretty simple to find your way around once you get to know the buildings and floor numbers! You should receive a planner at your freshman orientation (if not, the bookstore sells them; there are also maps in each building) and in it will be the student handbook-complete with campus map!
Next post: UVLink
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