Sunday, April 10, 2011

Registration: Step-by-Step

I'm taking a little detour from my original plan, but I am told that there is some confusion with how to register :) No worries! Looking over my previous post on registration, I realize that I didn't give you any actual help with how to register!

Probably the most confusing thing to a new college student is registration. Registration for classes usually begins in April (for fall semester) or October (for spring semester). If you are a new college student for the fall, that means you will be registering while you are still in high school.

So, I am going to give you a step-by-step guide to registering for college classes! Please note that some of this info may change in the future as the website changes. I went 3 1/2 years with the same website layout so this is my first time exploring the new page!

**Helpful Hint: If you want to get into all of the classes you want, you'll probably want to get on at midnight the day registration opens for you. Many classes get full very FAST! If you are desperate to get into something, try putting yourself on the wait list. If someone drops, you will get an e-mail saying you have 24 hours to go back into registration and add the class!**
If you want to read more about my thoughts on registration in general, visit my post titled "Advisors and Registration" here.

  1. Go to UVLink and log in with your UV ID and password
  2. Click on the "Student" tab
  3. Next, Click on "Planning Your Education" on the left
  4. On the right, click "Add or Drop Classes"
  5. Select the term that you are registering for (Days that you can register depend on the amount of credit hours you have; again, see the "Advisors and Registration" post)
  6. Click "Class Search" towards the bottom of the page
By looking at the requirement sheet that your advisor gave you at your first meeting, you should have a general idea about what classes you want to take. Under "Class Search" there are several items of criteria that you can fill out to search for a class. You will search for one class at a time! For an example, I will show you how to register for ENGL 1010, a general requirement for all students.

7. Under "Subject", highlight "ENGL-English" and under "Course Number" Type in 1010.
  • Usually, this is all you will need to do before clicking "Class Search" at the bottom. If you have specific changes to make, you can also type in the "Title", "Schedule Type", "Credit Range", "Site", "Part of Term", "Instructor", "Session", "Attribute Type", "Start Time", "End Time", and "Days". These alterations are there for your benefit. You can choose what days you want to have classes on, whether you only want to be on the main campus, what days you will be in school, etc. 
8. Check the class that you want and click "Register" at the bottom. (For a detailed breakdown of the class results page, click the image!)

9. Repeat steps 7 & 8 until you have all of the classes that you want. If you have been clicking "Register" consistently, you should be fine.

When you are done, you can click "Return to Menu" at the top. You can click on "Student Detail Schedule" to have a detailed list with your class name, teacher, course number, time, days, etc. Or you can click "Student Schedule by Date & Time" to get a look at how your classes are layed out during the week.

**Remember: If a class doesn't come up in the search, try typing it again and making sure all of your info was typed correctly. If it still doesn't show up, it probably isn't offered that semester, so try again the next semester!**

I hope this helps!

Next post: First Day

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