Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Study Habits

Let's face it, sometimes college can be incredibly overwhelming. You may only have a few classes, but sometimes the work load can get to be too much.

One of the best study habits that you can have is time management.

Take a close look at your syllabi early in the semester. Take of note of important assignments, quizzes, and tests that will be due over the semester. Map out a plan of how to tackle your homework. You do not want to be cramming all of your studying and work in the day before something is due.

Sometimes trying to figure out a schedule of when to do work is overwhelming in itself, so take it one week at a time. Each weekend, you can look at the work that is due and try to do as much as possible over the weekend. If you have classes with reading assignments, try to do as much reading over the weekend so you have more time to work (or free time) during the actual school week. If you have a project or a paper coming up, try and get some research or brainstorming in during the weekend.

The best way to get through your work is to do it as early as possible!

Another great study habit: find a nice, quiet place to study.

The best place to study is somewhere that is quiet and doesn't have a lot of distractions. Having a clean work environment will also help to keep you focused.

You don't want to be sitting in bed working- it may be more comfortable, but that could lead to you falling asleep. It is good to be relaxed while working, but being too relaxed can be more of a problem.

The best place to be study is sitting in a chair at a desk or table. (You know, the library has some pretty awesome desks that you can study in- and the 4th floor is really quiet! It even has a great view!)

Don't be tempted by television, the Internet, etc.

Your favorite TV show, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, even your cell phone...they are all huge distractions! Try to use these medias as an incentive to get work done, not a way to get pulled away from work.

Your Facebook, Twitter, and text messages will all be there when you finish your work. And if you are missing your favorite TV show, there is always the possibility of catching the show online.

Don't think that you will be able to have the TV on while you are working. You won't be fully focused. And "only working during the commercials" isn't really great either- you know, just as well as I do, that you won't get any actual work done until what you are watching is over!

If you are desperate for some social media interaction, reward yourself 5 minutes of media use of your choice for every 1 hour of solid work that you get done!

Take study breaks!

Sometimes, you get burnt out from studying for several hours at a time. If you feel like you aren't making any progress, maybe you should get up and walk around. Sometimes taking time to eat is helpful too.

The point is, there is a point when your brain actually won't retain anything anymore. Taking a break allows your brain to rest.

There have been times, usually during finals week, that I have put my iPod in, blasted a great song, and just had a 5 minute crazy dance session to help relieve stress. Usually, it works!

If it is getting to be really late (or early in the a.m.), sometimes the best things to do is to just put your work away and get a good night of sleep! Having enough rest (and keeping a proper diet) will help you to stay focused and energized to get through your classes and homework!

Try not to study too late at night.

One of the best times to study is usually shortly after you get home from classes. Your brain is still in "study mode" from being in class and the information that you had learned in class will still be fresh in your mind.

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