Sunday, February 27, 2011


Housing is a really big, important decision. UVU is an commuter university; meaning, we do not have any housing available on campus. All housing is off-campus. You have two options when considering where you want to live.

Option #1- Live at home. I know, it sounds lame to say that you are in college and you are still living at home with your parents. But financially, it could be one of the best options. You will have somewhere to do your laundry, there will most likely be food in the fridge all the time, and you will always have your parents available for advice or help. Of course, there are obvious downsides for living with your parents---but I don't really need to state those, do I?

Option #2- Live in an apartment. There are many options close to campus:
Summerwood Condominiums- Right across the street from UVU.
Village on the Parkway- They have a free shuttle that takes you to and from UVU.
College Terrace- The closest housing to UVU.
Wolverine Crossing-

You can choose to live in an apartment with your friends, or at many locations, you can opt to have new roommates. This is your chance to make new friends! No matter who you decide to live with, be courteous. Be respectful of people's personal space. It is best to set apartment guidelines such as no friends over after 10pm or no loud music. Also, set up a schedule for cleaning. You can set specific chores to specific people or rotate who cleans what.

People commute from all over Utah. I have known people coming from Salt Lake and Spanish Fork. If you plan on commuting from a while away, remember that there is always going to be traffic on the highway. And occasionally, there will be an accident that will make you late to class. Travel, from no matter where you are coming from, gets worse in the winter. Always give yourself enough time to get to school. The best thing to do is the day or two before school starts, drive to UVU at the same time that you will be traveling on a normal school day. That will give you a general idea of how long it will take for you each morning (but I would add about 10 minutes to that time- you will be surprised how much traffic there is with students in the first two weeks of school).

To be quite honest, I chose to stay at home with my parents so apartment living isn't exactly where my knowledge is. Check out . It has a lot of information on different apartment complexes, what you should look for when selecting an apartment, and other information about off-campus housing.

Next post: Campus Tours

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