Friday, March 11, 2011


It's been over a week since my last post! I guess I have been procrastinating this one becasue I dislike parking at UVU. Not that it is a bad's just very...time consuming.

The most important thing to know: parking passes are required for every car on campus. UVU now has hangtags for parking passes. This hangtag can be taken out of your car and used on any of your vehicles. You are only issued one since you can move it from car to car, and there is a half price fee if you need to replace it.

There are signs in every lot that tell you which pass can park there (and note that there are some lots that have several different parking pass options). Parking Services recommends that you pick up a parking pass at least two weeks before classes start to avoid lines.

There are 5 options for parking at UVU:

1: $0 Pass--Or as I like to call it, the free lot pass (it is purple). And yes, it is required to get a pass to park in the free lot. It is L10 and is the furthest from the actual campus building. But, there are usually a lot of available spaces and there is a shuttle that picks you up and drops you off closer to the school. There are usually two shuttles running at a time (they are big giant UVU busses). The downside to this is you usually have to wait for the shuttle to come and pick you up (the shuttles have stops at designated spots that circle the UVU campus. You can even use the shuttle to take you to different areas-no pass needed). It really isn't fun waiting for a shuttle at 7:30am in the middle of winter. If you aren't up for the wait, you can walk from the free lot to the main building, via crosswalks of course!

I parked in the free lot my freshman year. I didn't really mind it, but it gets to be a hassle if you miss the shuttle by a minute and are already late to class. Another con is the shuttle can get really packed. You usually have to stand (holding on to rails). You get to know the bus drivers too! My favorite was an older gentleman that loved country music. And not just any country music, old country music! It was actually pretty relaxing to hear that every morning (and if you don't like it, pop your iPod in).

2: $40 Pass (yearly)-- This pass is sorty of an orange-y color. For this pass, you can park in L9. To be honest, I don't think this pass is really worth it. Lot Y is in the same spot as the Lot V (the free lot), only it is closer to the shuttle. In my four years at UVU, I don't think I've seen this lot very full. It's actually pretty empty. Not much to say about this can take the shuttle...and be really close to the testing center!

3: $80 Pass (yearly)-- The most common pass on campus! It is probably the most common because this is the closest students can get to the building. And there are a lot more lots for this one! L3, L4, L5, L6, L7, L8, L12, L14, M21, M22, M23, M24, M25, M28 are all lots that you can park in with this yellow pass. Since this is the most common pass, it is also the most competitive trying to get a spot. Every single morning, I see people parked in the rows waiting for someone to leave so they can take their spot. Or people circle...and stalk people as they leave the building. Instead of telling you about this, I found a hilarious video that is SPOT ON with UVU parking (video by Lauren Casper, William McCrery, and Audrey Moore )!

4: Employee/Staff Pass-- The only way to get this pass is if you are a UVU employee. Pretty much, in any of the lots near the building, the closest rows (other than handicapp and motorcycle parking) are reserved for employees. If you are a student, do not park in these spots! You will get a ticket! Lots specific to employees are L1, L2, L13, M20, M26, M27. There are certain lots that have student parking, but have several rows for employees: L3, L4, L12, M22, M23, M24, M28..
Note: Lot M is right next to the south end of the library. This lot is for employees not students (I have heard several students complain that employees take all of the spots here---it's because it is EMPLOYEE parking)!

5: Visitor Pay Lots-- UCCU Center Visitor Lot, Sorensen Center Visitor Lot, and Lakeside Visitor Lot are pay by the hour lots! No pass needed, just cash. I have seen students park here if they are running late to class and are willing to pay to be close. But mostly, this is for visitors! Admissions Meter Lot is, well, a meter lot---it is closest to the Browing Administration building, home of One Stop. But be warned: you can only put enough change in these meters for 40 minutes! The meters take silver coins...every cent is worth one minute (8 nickels=40 minutes, 4 dimes=40 minutes, etc.)

Also for events, if there is a major event going on at the Events Center, you are okay to park in lots near the UCCU Events Center (L3, L5, L14) without a pass! Such events are, but not limited to, graduation, sporting events, concerts, fairs, etc.

For a better look at a map of parking lots, visit!
You can also view shuttle bus stops on this map!

Parking Services is located at  936 S. 400 W.
You can purchase a parking pass, pay citations, as well as take care of many other services at Parking Services.

Next post: The Bookstore