Tuesday, March 1, 2011


UVLink is a must-know for new students. Using your student ID, you log on to UVLink.

UVLink houses your student e-mail account, an information board, Blackboard (a way for students to get class assignments, take online quizzes, interact with their teacher, etc; I wouldn't worry too much about this. If a teacher uses Blackboard, they will most likely walk you through it on your first day in class), your student financial information, your Wolverine Track (tracks your graduation progress), and much more.

Take the time to get used to your UVLink. There is a lot on there, including software downloads for Corel (a photo editing program) and the Clean Access Agent (which is required to log into the school's wireless network on you laptop, iTouch, etc).

**Note: You must have the Clean Access Agent to log into UVU's wireless network (UVU-open). When logging in to the Clean Access Agent, use your student ID and password**

Since UVLink has your campus e-mail, you should have your UVU e-mails forwarded to your personal e-mail such as Hotmail or Gmail. This way, you don't have to constantly check two e-mail addresses and you won't miss out on important e-mails from the school or your teachers.

Here is how to forward you UVU e-mails to your personal e-mail address:

  • In UVLink, click on "E-Mail" in the top right corner.
  • Click the "Options" tab.
  • Click "Auto Forward".
  • Enter your personal e-mail adress and click "OK".
Next post: Parking

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